Forever In My Heart Scholarship

Forever In My Heart Scholarship

The Forever in My Heart scholarship is available to any resident of Cocoa Housing. It reflects my deep gratitude for the support and opportunities Cocoa Housing provided my family and me during our time as residents in the mid-1990s.

Through their encouragement, I earned an Entrepreneurship Certificate from Brevard Community College, which introduced me to the principles of corporate ownership and equipped me to manage the first PTA in Lake County, California. Additionally, the business plan I developed for the Cocoa Housing Board of Directors became a vital tool in securing a CA State PTA Art Grant, enabling the integration of multicultural art into the core curriculum.

That same proposal later served as the foundation of my graduate school admission essay, earning me an invitation to further develop my ideas in the College of Education’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction. I went on to earn an M.Ed. in eLearning Pedagogy, focusing on social media, and I am currently completing an EdD in Educational Leadership and Learning with a concentration in Organizational Psychology.

Cocoa Housing’s support was a true springboard for my success, and they will always be Forever in My Heart. Through this scholarship, I am honored to help the next generation of students pursue their studies and embrace the blessings of an educated life.
