ASQ Scholarship for Quality
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate an award of $300 for one semester at Eastern Florida State College. The successful candidate will be an American Society for Quality (ASQ) member in good standing or the spouse, daughter, son, niece, or nephew of an ASQ member in good standing. In the event that an ASQ-eligible person does not apply, the scholarship can be awarded to a non-ASQ-eligible student with a demonstrated financial need.
The recipient must:
- be a Brevard County resident
- be an ASQ member in good standing or the spouse, daughter, son, niece, or nephew of an ASQ member in good standing (preference is given)
- be enrolled full/part-time (minimum six (6) credit hours)
- be pursuing a degree at EFSC
- have a financial need
- have a minimum 3.0 GPA
- complete the post-acceptance process upon acceptance of the award (instructions will be given to the recipient once awarded)
- Award
- $300.00
- Deadline
- Supplemental Questions
- Are you (or a member of your family) a member in good standing of the American Society for Quality (ASQ)? (Preference given)
- If you answered yes, please provide documentation to verify your ASQ member eligibility. (Preference given)