All Opportunities

The window for Priority Applications for Fall 2025 Scholarships will be available from March 10th, 2025 – May 12th, 2025. Special programs are considered based on specific applications windows assigned by your department (Law Enforcement, Firefighter, EMT)

Tips for a successful scholarship application

Browsing “All” Scholarships: To view a list of all scholarship opportunities, you may click “All” under “Opportunities” above. This list shows all scholarships, not scholarships for which you are receiving consideration. Automatch scholarships will appear with “None” listed under the “Action” column – this means an additional application is not required for consideration. The “Deadline” column indicates the deadline to complete the application to receive consideration. This is not the deadline to accept the award.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$500.00 40/8 Nurses Training Scholarship
The 40/8 Nurses Training Scholarship will provide an award for one...
$500.00 Abigail Wright Chamberlin Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship
The Abigail Wright Chamberlin Chapter, Daughters of the American...
Varies Aero Decals Educational Fund Scholarship
This scholarship will award the successful candidate $1,000 for one...
Varies AJAX Building Company Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate financial...
Varies Al & Marla Glover Family Business Scholarship
This scholarship will pay for tuition and fees for one semester for a...
$1,000.00 Alamelu Sarada Memorial Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $1,000 at Eastern...
$400.00 Algase Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $400 for one...
$1,000.00 Alice Adams Simpson Memorial Scholarship
The Alice Adams Simpson Scholarship will provide a $1,000 award to an...
$500.00 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate an award for one...
$500.00 AMIkids Space Coast Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $500 toward...
$1,000.00 Anthony Jefferson White Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $1,000 for one...
$500.00 Ari Ana Renée Memorial Health Sciences Scholarship
The Ari Ana Renée Memorial Health Sciences Scholarship will provide a...
$300.00 ASQ Scholarship for Quality
This scholarship will award the successful candidate $300 for one...
$800.00 AT&T Scholarship for Academic Excellence and Community Service
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $800 for one...
$500.00 BAC Empowering Brevard's Veterans
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $500 for one...
$500.00 BAC Empowering Persons with Disabilities Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $500 for one...
Varies Balambal Palaniyandi Memorial Nursing Scholarship
The Balambal Palaniyandi Memorial Nursing Scholarship will offer the...
Up to $3,000 Bank of America Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate tuition assistance...
$1,000.00 Beatrice Gardner Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate a $1,000 toward...
$1,000.00 Beatrice Gardner Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $1,000 toward...
$1,000.00 Bernie W. Simpkins Entrepreneurial Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $1,000 for one...
$800.00 Betty G. Rice Memorial Nursing Scholarship
The Betty G. Rice Memorial Nursing Scholarship will offer the successful...
Varies Betty J. Mockler Practical Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate tuition and books...
$1,000.00 Beverly Stone Haile Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $1,000 for the...
$1,000.00 Billie Jo Schell Scholarship
This scholarship will provide a $1,000 per academic year ($500 fall/...
$1,000.00 Bobbie Deering Memorial General Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $1,000 to cover...
$500.00 Brandon Todd Smith Music Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $500 for one...
$800.00 Brevard County Chapter of The Links, Inc. Scholarship
The Brevard County Chapter of The Links, Inc. Scholarship will offer the...
$500.00 Brevard County Dental Society Dental Assisting Program (IDEA) Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $500 for one...
$200.00 Brevard County Dental Society Scholarship
This scholarship will offer $200 for one semester at Eastern Florida...
$2,000.00 Brevard Scholars Scholarship for Academic Achievement
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $2,000 for one...
$500.00 Brevard Schools Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate an award of $500...
$500.00 Brevard Watercolor Society Art Scholarship
This scholarship shall provide an award of $500 for one semester at...
Varies Cadore Family Minority Scholarship
The Cadore Family Minority scholarship will help minority students build...
$1,000.00 Cape Design Engineering (CDE) Health Sciences Institute Scholarship
This scholarship will offer an award of $1,000 per academic...
$500.00 Cape Kennedy Corvette Club Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate an award of $500...
$500.00 Central Brevard Art Association Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $500 for one...
$300.00 Central Florida Dental Hygiene Association Scholarship
This Central Florida Dental Hygiene Association Scholarship will offer...
$1,000.00 Charles B. Provost Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate an award of $1,000...
$500.00 Charlotte Kloepfer Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate an award of $500...
$4,000.00 Christine Spezzano Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship will provide an award of $1,000 per semester for up to...
$1,000.00 Christopher Spinosa Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate financial...
$500.00 Civic Music Association of South Brevard Scholarship
This scholarship, awarded for academic and performance excellence, will...
$2,320.80 Clara Margarita Acevedo Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate financial...
$4,380.00 Coastal Ambulance Scholarship
This scholarship will provide financial assistance to a student who...
$350.00 Cocoa Beach Area Chamber of Commerce Past Chairman of the Board Scholarship
This scholarship will offer the successful candidate $350 for one...
$600.00 Cocoa High School Classes of 1959-1960-1961 Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship, awarded for academic excellence, will offer the...
$500.00 Cole Wisnewski Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will provide $500 for one semester toward tuition, lab...
$1,000.00 Community Credit Union Scholarship
The Community Credit Union, CCU, Scholarship will provide an award of...
$1,000.00 Country Acres Auxiliary Scholarship
This scholarship will award the successful candidate $1,000 for one...